Great Job.
It is generally a good piece of work. Here are a few things I like/dislike about it:
- It takes a very long to get going.
- You have quite a few melodies going at once, and they still fit--- impressive.
- The structure of the song seems to be beginning to end, with no variation chord progression.
- I really want to hear more of a solid melodic line that I can count on coming back throughout the song. As of now the whole song seems to be like a "solo section," in which individuals make up stuff.
You're musically creativity is yours; however, these are my suggestions:
- Follow a form (i.e. A B A C A, A B A, etc)
- Construct 2 to 3 major themes which you introduce, keep from the listener, and then let it all go at the end.
- Let the song build faster at the beginning, yet, add some of that emptiness in the middle to give the listener some relief from the busyness of the song.